TREAC Council

Training Research Experience Accreditation &
Certification Council LLC (Online)
TX America USA

Recognized by Global Standardization and Accreditation Council America and Global Bureau Accreditation Registrars

Our International Chapter Working From The USA, Africa, Asia, and UK is devoted to the development of professionals around the world in continuing education in the form of 3 6-month, and 12-month certifications. This is an additional qualification and exempts you from any attestations. However, the certification is barcoded for online tracking and verification. Those who need graduate and postgraduate courses to be completed in a shorter period must have a first-two-year diploma from TREAC Council at an affordable fee. This package is only for adult professionals.

Accredited By Board Of Quality Standards ( BQS- International)

TREAC Council is Texas USA based institute devoted to develop higher education and diploma courses for developing nations. More over the council is also committed to cultivate the culture of research and critical thinking. Treac Council has many affiliation with different bodies.

Fee Structure/Bank Details

In Pakistan PDRi is the sole representative of TREAC Council TEXAS America. The applicants can deposit the fees in two installments. The first installment should be 50% of the complete fees and the second installment should be deposited when the candidate scan copy of the certificate. More 2000 pkr will be charged if the candidate demands barcode in the certificate for online verification.

The applicants should deposit fee in the following accounts

Account Title: Farah Deeba, Bank  Name:  Askari Bank

Account Details: 000070100583160

Swift code: PK66ASCM

ID NUMBER : 16101-05640904

EASY PAISA ACCOUNT: +9233483332591

TREAC Council Texas America is charging very nominal fees from professional adults and students. However keeping in view the economics demography variation in mind, the management of TREAC Council has divided the world into Developing & Developed countries. And, hence the fee structure is also to be charged accordingly:

A)  Fees Structure For Developing Countries:

1 months to 3 months certification charges:      $50

04 months to 06 months certification:                $100

07 months to 12 months certification:                $150

12months to 24 months certification:                  $200

Professional Membership Certification:               $200

B) Fees Structure For Developed Countries:

01 month to 03 months certification:                    $150

04 months to 06 months certification:                  $300

07 months to 12 months certification:                  $500

12 to 24 months certification:                                   $800

Note: Courier charges shall be paid by the candidate or institution

Name Of Bank : Citibank
Bank Address: 111 Wall Sreet New York, NY 10043 USA
Routing (ABA) 031100209
Swift Code: CITIUS33
Account No: 7086490001018236
Account Type: CHECKING
Title Farah Deeba USA

This is poyneer bank account and can send fees throuh from those regions where deposir in dollars is difficult. You have also the flexibility to deposit in our partner accounts and after deposit share with us the deposit slip in

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